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Measurment » Anemometer


Anemometer is a tool for measuring wind speed. The Latin name of this device consists of anemos meaning wind and meter meaning measuring. Anemometers can be divided into two categories: the category that measures wind speed and the category that measures wind pressure. There is a direct relationship between velocity and pressure, and an anemometer is designed to obtain information from both. Vertical is made on two vertically intersecting axes that rely on a rod. More complete examples of this tool are mill or windmill and wind gauge of hot wire type. Sonic and ....

Cup Anemometers Cup Anemometers

Vane anemometers Vane anemometers

Hot - Wire Anemometers Hotwire anemometers

Laser Doppler Anemometers Anemometer with laser Doppler

ultrasonic Anemometers Ultrasonic Anemometers

Apart from the above models, some models are able to measure flow or air flow with the help of pressure difference.