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Analog Pressure Gauge

Analog barometer is one of the oldest common instruments in the industry to show the amount of pressure, which is still one of the most widely used equipment for displaying pressure in terms of its popularity and reasonable price. This equipment, which uses the mechanical mechanism of a Bourdon tube or diaphragm and in some cases the element bellows, changes the position of the measuring element due to pressure and transmits this change of state to a hand that is calibrated according to the pressure on a plate. The simplicity of pressure gauges can be measured over a wide range of up to 1000 bar. To use this equipment, the following should be considered.

  1. The desired range of pressure gauges
  2. Barometer screen diameter
  3. Type and size of pressure gauge connection
  4. Accuracy of barometer
  5. The barometer is usually made of steel or brass
  6. Horizontal or vertical in the installation of pressure gauges


    مانومتر پرشر گیج فشار سنج

Today, there are various brands of this product in the market, many of which are not original, and in fact it is a copy of well-known brands such as WIKA Germany, etc.

Among the brands of the market day, the following can be mentioned:

Beijing Turkey (Pakkens)

Afriso Germany

Ashcroft USA


Ness Japan (Ness)




TG One (TG1)
