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Submersible/ Hydrostatic Level Transmitter

In cable or submersible hydrostatic gauges or the well-known immersion of reality, the mechanism of measuring liquid pressure and pressure from the height of the liquid column at the desired depth is used and is mostly used in open tanks or water wells. Measuring the liquid level with the help of pressure is one of the most common methods of measuring the altitude of liquids. Due to the nature of the performance, it has considerable repetition.

In many cement tanks where it is not possible to connect simple pressure gauges to the bottom of the tank, this method with its simplicity and efficiency opens the way for tank altimeters.

In hydrostatic flow meters, in addition to the strands of wire removed from the pressure sensor, a narrow tube also transmits atmospheric pressure to the back of the sensor, which due to the relative nature of these sensors, good performance accuracy is achieved.

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