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Rosmont is currently one of the companies under the giant Emerson Process Company, which was acquired by this company and its products such as pressure sensors and transmitters, temperature and surface transmitters and flow are used under the Rosemont brand all over the world. The company is located in Chanhassen, Minnesota with more than 1000 employees who are engaged in engineering and production of various industrial precision instruments.The company grew rapidly under the US space program in 1956 with a focus on the aerospace industry, but despite this success, the company concluded that instrument companies could not make significant progress on government contracts alone. 1966 Three years before the Apollo 11 lunar eclipse, Rosemont sought to produce a variety of equipment based on the instrumentation needs of companies globally, and with its experience in aerospace equipment, succeeded in producing high-performance instrumentation for Industrial processes that with standard outputs and the possibility of calibration with high accuracy were able to measure various parameters such as temperature, pressure, flow, etc.

Some of the most famous instrumentation equipment of this company, which are widely used in various industries in Iran, are pressure and pressure difference transmitters, as well as smart temperature transmitters with Hart protocol, which are mentioned in the relevant section of the existing models.