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K Type Thermocouple

bayonet thermocoupleType K thermocouple is one of the most widely used thermocouples in various industries and non-industrial applications. From wire samples of K thermocouple with the lowest price to industrial samples with a range of up to 1200 degrees and portability of inconel tubes is a wide range that can be covered with this type of thermocouple. In most portable temperature measuring devices, this type of thermocouple is used more. To make a Type K thermocouple, the length of the wire and the shape of the connection of the thermocouple head must be specified in the wire samples. In industrial models, type K thermocouples, in addition to specifying the appearance in terms of diameter of the inlet or firebox and its length, the connection method, type of terminal head or output connection and, if necessary, type of transmitter and most importantly the operating range of the thermocouple should be specified.

  • Flanged or ribbed thermocouple
  • Thermocouple sheath material
  • Thermocouple temperature tolerance
lct rct
انواع ترموکوپل
lcb rcb