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Industrial Automation » Hydraulic System

Hydraulic System

The hydraulic system briefly converts energy from a pressurized liquid into force and motion. In fact, hydraulics is the power of a fluid that, for example, uses hydraulic jacks to lift heavy equipment. One of the advantages of a hydraulic system is the great force that can be applied to its cross section depending on the diameter of the jack, which uses one of the simple principles of physics and fluids, which is the pressure in liquids. In fact, the secret of hydraulic equipment is the formula F = PA in which F = force is applied, P = system pressure and A is the cross-sectional area of ​​the hydraulic cylinder piston, for example, if the cross-sectional area is large, a very small force can be applied with a low pressure. Entered.نیروی هیدرولیکی

To understand the force on the surface, you can use a simple example such as a needle and a pen, with the same force you can simply insert the needle into even a few pieces of paper, and with the same force it is not possible to do it with a pen. And the weight is the same force on it. In the figure opposite, you can see that with very little F1 light, you can produce a lot of F2 power.